Hedley Grenfell-Banks
first visited Paris when he was fifteen years old. During this
first week he lost his wallet, and on the way to the Lost Property Office he
lost his passport. It was four years before he saw Paris again, this time just
passing through, and in the course of three hours he managed to leave his case,
trunk and umbrella in three different stations. None of this, however, stopped
him falling in love with Paris, where in the course of some fifty visits he has
also managed to lose his credit cards, several items of clothing, a
minibus and a beauty queen.
HGB is a freelance writer, publisher, photographer, guide and interpreter, and the author of a number of little books on France. He gives talks in both French and English to Luncheon Clubs, Lecture Clubs, French Circles and Travel Clubs.
Slide Shows:
A Tour of Secret France Normandy, my Normandy West of Centre A Taste of Burgundy
Tour de la France Inconnue Ma Normandie Dans le Limousin Un Goût de Bourgogne |
And also... War Memorials French architecture Secret France II The Martyrdom of Caen Village Festivals My Home in Normandy |
Et avec cela... Les Monuments aux Morts Un peu dArchitecture France Inconnue II Le Martyre de la Ville de Caen Les Fetes de Village Chez Moi en Normandie |
Basic Paris Secret Paris The Story of Paris A stroll through the Left Bank What's New in Paris? The Centre of Paris |
Paris Obligatoire Paris Inconnu L'Histoire de Paris Une Balade dans le Quartier Latin Quoi de neuf à Paris? Le Plein Centre de Paris |
Talks not illustrated by slides
particularly suited for after-dinner entertainment.
v The Last Time I saw Paris
a light-hearted look back at thirty years of visiting the worlds most beautiful city.
On HGBs visits something always goes wrong, but that wont ever stop him going back for more.
v Christmas Stories
Readings of HGBs own stories and others, guaranteed to render audiences helpless with laughter.
v A Walk through
a stroll around the Left Bank of Paris, where every street has a story.
How did King Charles V go mad? Where did monks sell stolen goods? Who shopped at the Toad Market?
v Rolling in the
Church people are often seen by the world as a pretty glum lot, but the Church even, amazingly,
the Church of England has its own humour and is by no means averse to a good giggle from time to time.
Dramatic Readings
v I, Paul, the Prisoner
All the Epistles of St. Paul in chronological order, with extracts from the Acts of the Apostles to place them in their context.
Old, Old Stories
Stories from the Old Testament, read in the Authorised Version: Joseph, Samson, the Burning Fiery Furnace and many others.
v Poetry of the Second World War
Less well known than the poetry of the First war, but worth of more attention.
v Lost in Translation?
Poems in French and English, the latter being versions or translations of the former.